We encounter moments when we feel invincible and capable of overcoming any challenge. However, there are also days when even minor setbacks seem overwhelming. So, what distinguishes these two states of mind? It’s not the circumstances we face but rather our mental strength.

Mental strength allows us to resist negative thoughts and navigate life’s ups and downs. It is a mental muscle that can be developed to enhance our overall well-being, like physical strength.

What is Mental Strength?

Contrary to popular belief, mental toughness does not mean a lack of vulnerability or mental disease. Due to their coping techniques, people with disorders like ADHD or depression frequently display amazing mental toughness. 

Mental strength revolves around how we respond to negative emotions and setbacks—whether we dwell on them, seek solutions, or simply let them pass.

What is the Relationship Between Mental Strength and Mental Fitness?

As physical fitness depends on bodily health, mental fitness depends on mental power. Although mental toughness helps us perform well under stress, it is not a permanent answer and may even be detrimental to our mental health. 

However, remaining mentally strong allows us to face difficulties and stress without jeopardizing our health. 

11 Mindset Shifts: Watch Out for #7

Imagine that you have been diligently preparing a presentation for the leaders of your company. However, a friend points out a flaw in your strategy, leaving you completely thrown off. 

How would you tackle it? If you were mentally strong, correcting the flaw wouldn’t be too difficult.

To have that kind of a mindset, I have found some proven techniques:

  • Define Your Core Principles and Convictions 

Understanding your fundamental values and beliefs is essential for self-awareness. Reflect on who you are and what you stand for to clarify your objectives and eliminate distractions.

  • Distinguish Internal and External Motivations

Recognize the difference between internal and external motivations. Internal motivations arise from your desires and aspirations, while outside factors influence external motivations. Strive for a balance between the two.

  • Craft Your Vision 

Visualization and goal setting are powerful tools for reclaiming control. Envision the life you desire, the achievements you seek, and the person you aspire to become.

  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs 

Negative self-talk and limiting beliefs can hinder your progress. Pay attention to your thoughts and identify self-defeating patterns. Challenge those beliefs by replacing them with positive affirmations and supportive thoughts.

  • Embrace Personal Accountability 

The most important thing for personal growth is to take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Reflect on the areas that need improvement.

  • Accept What You Cannot Change

Redirect your energy and attention toward what you can control. Embrace the natural aspects of change and uncertainty in life’s journey. Rather than dwelling on uncontrollable factors, focus on areas where you can make a difference.

  • Respond Mindfully, Not Reactively 

Developing emotional intelligence is vital for regaining control. Instead of impulsively reacting to situations, take a moment to process your initial emotional response.

Align your actions with your core values and strive for a calm and thoughtful response. By responding rather than reacting, you can navigate challenges effectively.

  • Explore Emotional Triggers 

Dig deep into the underlying causes of your emotional reactions. Identify patterns from your past that may be influencing your present responses.

Address unresolved traumas or emotional wounds that may hinder your ability to take full control of your life. Seek professional assistance if needed to facilitate healing and emotional growth.

  • Create an Action Plan 

Break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps. Develop a roadmap that outlines the actions required to reach your objectives. You’ll build confidence and momentum toward your larger goals by consistently taking action and celebrating each small success.

  • Establish a Daily Planning Routine 

Structure your days by planning and prioritizing tasks. Design a routine that aligns with your energy levels, allowing time for rest, self-care, and focused work. Regularly assess and adjust your plans to maintain balance and productivity in your daily life.

  • Recognize the Importance of Breaks

Understand the significance of rest and recovery in maintaining control over your life. Avoid overexertion and unnecessary stress.

Take breaks to recharge, reset your mindset, and return with renewed energy and creativity. Having a work-life balance is of utmost importance regarding self-care and long-term success.


Developing mental strength allows us to reduce stress, stay motivated, exercise discretion, embrace courage, and adapt to change. Engaging in mindfulness, seeking professional guidance, journaling, and practicing self-compassion.

I hope you find these techniques easy to implement. If in any case, if you feel like talking to someone, feel free to drop me a message.